The cosmic wonder!


Amidst the vast expanse of space,

We are but small, mere specks in place.

Our bodies, tiny in comparison,

To the endless cosmic formation.

Yet within us, a universe lies,

A world of emotions and thoughts that rise,

A galaxy of dreams and desires,

A constellation of memories that inspire.

The universe within us is boundless,

An infinite expanse of emotions so profound,

A nebula of love, a black hole of grief,

A supernova of passion, a comet of belief.

Our souls are stardust, born of the cosmos,

Our bodies, mere vessels for a greater force,

We are both insignificant and infinite,

A paradox that leaves us in awe and delight.

So let us remember, as we gaze up high,

That though we are small, we are part of the sky,

And within us, a universe does reside,

A cosmic wonder that we cannot hide.

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