Does ideas exist before it's thought of?

Thousands of thoughts and ideas bombard our minds every day. Everyone, from scientists to labourers, is engrossed in their own distinct ideas and thoughts that keep lives running. Our mind is a creation of the brain, which is nothing more than a collection of neurons assembled in such a way that it can think and do unfathomable things! It's no surprise that neurologists are still working on developing a brain model, but there are still unanswered questions concerning the existence of ideas and thoughts, and whether it's as easy as certain neurons igniting by chance or whether there's a greater picture at play.

Neurons of the big brain? 

The idea behind it:

Let's look at some examples to better grasp this. Assume that a chair exists because wood exists; a chair would not exist if wood did not exist! Does this imply that the concept of a chair has always existed alongside the existence of wood? The idea of the chair, together with wood, tree, and simple organisms, was always present before trees, earth, or even the existence of the world, if we continue to ponder! Does this imply that everything we see in today's world existed before it was formed or even imagined? This universe permits us to imagine or have concepts that are only feasible in this universe; for example, a "circular square" cannot be imagined or drawn because it isn't in the "book" of ideas! You may think it's a nuisance, but in reality, you can't come up with new ideas that aren't already out there. Everything in our surroundings, from the cars we drive to the electronics you're using to read this article, has a 'evolutionary' history that dates back to past times. The existence of concepts such as 'possible' and 'impossible' is proof that a specific so-called record of ideas exists!

Apart from logical reasoning, in situations like Dejavu, it is believed that the feeling occurs because you have already experienced that situation earlier in some parallel universe. The mind dwells on the information it somehow derives from the infinite yet hollow universe. The strong feeling of intuition is another example, you suddenly know that something is going to happen, without applying any probability as the mind draws the answer from the vast universe, where the same thing might have occurred before.

Dreams also reflect some things which might never have occurred to you but might be going on in some parallel space.

In the mid-1990s world-renowned consciousness researchers Stuart Hameroff, MD, and Sir Roger Penrose theorized about quantum vibrations being orchestrated within the cells of the brain, and their relationship to consciousness.

They said-"The origin of consciousness reflects our place in the universe, the nature of our existence. Did consciousness evolve from complex computations among brain neurons, as most scientists assert? Or has consciousness, in some sense, been here all along, as spiritual approaches maintain?"

In other words, rather than being a source of ideas, our brain can also act as a recipient! There are even real-life examples and proofs to back up this claim, such as cases of dream interpretation in which world-renowned scientists obtain ideas from dreams and find drug formulations without even thinking about it. But, for now, let it be a story for another day!

The existence of the huge record and mysticism 

Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic record. Recent discoveries in vacuum physics show that this Akashic Field is real and has its equivalent in science’s zero-point field that underlies space itself. This field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise: atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings, and even consciousness. This zero-point Akashic Field is the constant and enduring memory of the universe. It holds the record of all that has happened on Earth, every thought and idea that has ever come into someone's mind in the cosmos, and relates it to all that is yet to happen. Won't talk more about it, cause we already have an article on Akashic records and mysticism 

The nature of the record:

If we imagine a true record that contains everything that has ever happened, will ever happen, every idea, from every cosmic accident to the cure for cancer, it will almost certainly contain everything. But not every thought that enters the human brain is true, so what about the incorrect ideas that enter?

This is where the Library of Babel, a modest example of man-made akashic records, comes into action!

This library is made up of hexagonal rooms containing 20 bookshelves with books containing always 410 pages, ~80 characters a page, and using 25 different symbols including the space, period, and comma. In this "infinite" library no two books are alike and so nearly all are filled with what is considered nonsense. A book filled with all "x"'s, another with all "x"'s, and one single "y". There would be perfect copies of Shakespeare's Hamlet, and by extension Hamlet with a single typo. Everyone's thoughts can be found written on some distant pages and their exact life stories played out on paper. (In fact, many librarians searched for these exact books calling them their "vindications"). But what's the point if so many books would have to just be nonsensical assortments of random symbols? If every combination and permutation of words, of course, every language using the symbols, existed in this library then we also have all of the answers. There would be books describing how to bring about world peace (books describing how to bring about world peace with one typo), nucleotide DNA sequences coding for cures to cancer, maybe even eternal life, there would be books that told your life but also explained what would have happened if instead of choosing to ride the bus when you were 9 you got driven into school.

The library is to be considered complete and perfect. Some have even made the argument that the Library is God in some respect because, as long as it can be expressed with words or symbols, even if we don't know what the words or symbols mean, then somewhere there is an answer. It's here that I'll mention I put "maybe even eternal life" if eternal life exists then it is without any doubt in the library, that is to say, it must exist because every combination exists. But if there is no way to achieve eternal life then the library holds no more of an answer than you or I do.

But this brings about a flaw that would exist. How could you know that a book containing something is true? Two books (in reality it would be millions) may exist describing how to prepare the drug Thalidomide, a treatment for morning sickness... but if one of these books tells it to you without mentioning the enantiomer of the drug (the same molecule but in mirror image form) the drug becomes something that leads to birth defects. This means that many "false" books exist that may seem legitimate but in reality, do no good for the desires of men.

If the akashic records are true, then it'll have infinite records of ideas and thoughts one can have! These ideas can be true or false, and among hundreds and thousands of ideas, there will be one single idea that will be true. 

So the answer for our question is, yes! Every idea does exist before it's even thought of.

Note: you can checkout the Library of Babel here 

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