The Egg !!

Hello readers, while searching for the unusual, less known, and amazing contents, somewhere I found out a story or else you can say philosophy, The Egg !!

Before you let the little gears in your brain kick in and skip this article as something boring, stop for a while and just listen. I just want to talk and let my thoughts flow through your head. It's nothing complicated, but, an introspective look at human life and the interconnections we all have in between :)

Well, What is the difference between you and me?The color of your hair?The color of my eyes? The pigment of my skin? Your height? My gender? Or is it beyond the physical? What is the difference? Is it because you belong to some religion?Is it because I am an atheist? Is it because you love cats? And I hate them? Or maybe you are a violent individual and I am a pacifist?           

Think of the minuscule differences that separate us. We are all born into this world against our will: given a body, a face, a voice, a mind that is all unique to each one of us. We were each put into certain families with all sorts of differing and similar personalities and we were each faced with unique circumstances and obstacles in Life. 

So what does this all mean?

It means that you are 'you' because of the circumstance that you were placed in and the things that were decided for you (physical features, mental capabilities), and ultimately the decisions that you made (based on your unique human nature). That means you would be me if you were given my circumstances and my body. Down to the last thought. 

What if, we are all the same person: one soul, one living thing that has come to experience life as individuals? What if, we believe ourselves to be our bodies because we experience everything through the body? Of course, all these questions are hypothetical. But they serve my point that we are ultimately the same soul living separate lives. It's like, every time you victimized someone, you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was or will be, experienced by you. 

What that means is, we must learn to empathize with one another. When you argue, understand that the opposing argument is made by someone who went through a different situation in life and thus causes them to take the stance that best fits them (in the same manner that you feel that your stance best fits you and is also the right stance). It's like the cruelest person in the world is good for himself, because, in his story, he is the hero !!

We must understand that we think in a certain way because of the things we have gone through and thus our perception of right is our own. Another person has gone through his or her own struggles and has tailored their beliefs according to their experiences.

So, next time you get caught up in an argument understand, that ultimately, you are arguing with yourself… not literally, but with another part of yourself. This person has a different and unique experience in life and they are trying to be the most genuine person they can be by expressing their opinion on their own terms. Be more tolerant of people and understand that they are the way they are not because they want to taunt you or anger you with their existence.. but because they are being themselves and sometimes it’s hard to like someone for who they are. You must understand that if you were in their lives and had their past you may then understand why they think the way they do.

The universe is an egg, where we all are one soul, experiencing as well as learning from all the ups and downs of every person in this earth, to get matured one day !!

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